The incentive system of the Thermal Account 2.0
in place since May 31, 2016, has been simplified and strengthened this year.
It is a system of state incentives that are granted to
those who scrape
their old heating system by buying one of the new generation, including the costs of adapting the chimney duct or replacing it.
Depending on the performance of the new stove or fireplace (> 85%)
and the geographical area of ​​residence (Northern Italy: zone E / F), a reimbursement
is obtained that can reach 65% of the cost of the new appliance.
The amount of the incentive is paid directly to your current account with payment times of 60/90 days, in the event that the incentive is paid in a single solution (if it is within the limit of € 5,000).
It has no expiry.
It can not be combined with other incentives.
How the incentive is requested
My company can entrust the practice entirely to a specialized technical study and request the incentive on your behalf (the cost is € 200.00 + VAT), in case you do not want to follow you personally the online procedure on the GSE portal - energy services manager (